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1 Mattand  Wed, Apr 25, 2012 9:17:05am

100MB. For $25. I burn through that in an hour.

You get 2GB of data for $30 within the states.

I realize it’s international, but I fail to see why anyone would be proud of this.

If there was ever an industry in need of regulation, it would be the cell phone companies.

2 lawhawk  Wed, Apr 25, 2012 10:13:32am

If you don’t use one of their rate plans, you’d get socked at a much much much higher rate. I was in Israel for 10 days, and got socked with $11 in charges for around ~500k of data before I even realized I had to set the phone to airplane mode to keep it from seeking out connections or otherwise using any data (as a result of taking in txt messages warning me of the higher fees/connection charges). Not even 1 MB. It’s 2 cents per kilobyte.

Insane? Absolutely.

But by the same token, the companies can charge what they see fit - and customers can opt not to use Verizon or pick up a local phone for their use.

The best way to avoid this is using wifi to access the ‘net, though I found that most Israeli hotels we stayed at had even higher access costs than the Verizon charges.

3 Amory Blaine  Wed, Apr 25, 2012 11:44:28am

All internet providers in the US whether its mobile or home service are a bunch of lazy crooks. Data caps, throttling, slow expensive service and the lack of initiative to tackle the rural broadband crisis shows their true colors. Wait till the tipping point when average Joe’s start dropping their cable service in droves for easy internet streaming.

4 Four More Tears  Wed, Apr 25, 2012 12:05:13pm

re: #1 mattand

That data ain’t for cruising youtube or streaming Pandora. It’s for email, twitter, a little Facebook and texting over data if you use it.

5 Mattand  Thu, Apr 26, 2012 10:02:03am

re: #4 Assemble!

That data ain’t for cruising youtube or streaming Pandora. It’s for email, twitter, a little Facebook and texting over data if you use it.

So if I go overseas, that somehow means it’s inappropriate for me to watch a video online? What if it’s for work?

Overpriced is overpriced. These companies hold all the cards and gouge accordingly.

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